Although One Piece is known as one of the longest running manga series, it still ranks behind Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama.
Detective Conan has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday since 1994, a 30-year run. After three decades of continuous publication, the detective manga will go on indefinite hiatus after appearing in Weekly Shonen Sunday #42. This issue, which contains Detective Conan File 1133, will be released on September 11, 2024.
Titled 'The Dark Red Last Act', this chapter marks the beginning of the manga's hiatus.
While we don't know when Detective Conan will return, it's safe to assume the series will return at some point, as the story isn't over yet.
As expected, readers were quite upset about the popular detective manga's hiatus, but they were supportive. Especially considering the series' long run. One fan commented on the news: “It's sad to see it go on hiatus but I understand why.”
Another wrote: “Gosho Aoyama, please get a check-up and finish your series.”
“So Gosho has started his year-end vacation,” one fan joked.
The story of Detective Conan begins with teenage detective Shinichi Kudo and his childhood friend Ran Mouri at an amusement park. While chasing two criminals from a mysterious organization, Shinichi is given a strange pill and shrinks into a first grader.
Previously, in 2019, Gosho Aoyama answered the question about the ending of Detective Conan. The author said that he wanted to end the series at volume 100 and the ending had already been decided. Then, volume 100 was released in 2021, but the publication continued, making fans even more curious about the ending of the series.