Strange, Godzilla-like monsters known as “kaijuu” have been popping up all over Japan for years. To combat these monsters, an elite military unit known as the Self-Defense Forces risked their lives every day to protect civilians. After a creature is killed, “sweepers”—working under the direction of the Professional Kaijuu Cleaner Corporation—are tasked with dealing with its remains.
Kafka Hibino, a 32-year-old man, is not satisfied with his job as a sweeper. From a young age, he aspired to join the Defense Corps and kill kaijuus for a living. However, after several failed attempts, he gave up on his dream and resigned himself to a mediocre life that offered a decent salary. However, when an ambitious 18-year-old recruit named Leno Ichikawa joins his cleaning team, Kafka is once again reminded of his desire to join the army.
After a series of unfortunate events and interactions with a junior sweeper, Kafka encounters a parasitic kaijuu that enters through his mouth — transforming him into a humanoid monster. With her new-found strength, Kafka aims to make her lifelong dream come true one last try.
New trailer, Monday
The trailer also gives us some voiceover information, Kafka will be voiced by Masaya Fukunishi, Mina will be voiced by Asami Seto and Reno will be voiced by Wataru Katou. We also have a release month now, the anime will be out in April 2024. Here’s the first trailer released last December if you haven’t seen it: