The first anime adaptation of the Misaki Takamatsu manga debuted in April 2023 – Kodansha's Afternoon magazine has just revealed the expected information: television anime adapted from manga Skip and Loafer (Japanese title: Skip to Loafer) by Misaki Takamatsu will have a second season. The announcement was made via the cover image of the February 2025 issue, scheduled for release on December 24.
The manga, published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, tells the story of Iwakura Mitsumi, a brilliant female student who leaves her small hometown to go to Tokyo to attend high school. Mitsumi has a big dream: to enter a prestigious university and change the world. However, city life is more complicated than she imagined. In confusion, Mitsumi befriends Shima Sousuke, a handsome and calm classmate. The story follows Mitsumi and Sousuke as they explore high school life, friendship, and the challenges of growing up in a vibrant urban environment.
The first anime season debuted in April 2023 and received many positive reviews from the audience thanks to its gentle yet profound story about growing up. Crunchyroll streamed the anime as it aired in Japan.
The anime is directed by Kotomi Deai (Natsume's Book of Friends), with the screenplay being overseen at PA Works. Manami Umeshita (Stella Women's Academy) is in charge of character design and animation director, and the music is composed by Takatsugu Wakabayashi (Dragonar Academy).
Regarding manga, Skip and Loafer first debuted in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon magazine in August 2018. The series quickly created a buzz, reaching the top 10 on the list of Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2020, and received many nominations at prestigious awards such as Manga Taisho and Kodansha Manga Awards. The manga's 11th volume will be released on December 23.
The second part of the anime promises to continue to take viewers along with Mitsumi and lovely, meaningful stories about youth, friendship and desire in the colorful Tokyo setting.