Kodoani.com – TV Asahi has officially announced a new anime program titled “IM Animation W”scheduled to air on Wednesday nights at 11:45, starting April 2024. This is seen as a major step forward in expanding anime broadcast timeslots, with two special projects already confirmed receive: Your Forma and the new version of Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube.
Anime Your Forma will be the opening work for this program block in April, while Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube will follow in July. Jigoku Sensei Nube, adapted from the classic manga of the same name, promises brings an experience that is both mysterious and dramatic. Ryōtarō Okiayu will take on the role of Meisuke Nueno (Nube), the psychic teacher with “demon hands”, continuing the role he played in previous versions. The story revolves around Nube's fight against evil spirits to protect students, inspired by elements of Japanese mythology and folklore. With a history of releasing manga since 1993 and previous adaptations, Jigoku Sensei Nube still retains its strong appeal, especially thanks to its unique combination of horror, action and human emotions.
In addition, TV Asahi also announced the short anime project Koupen-chan, adapted from Rurutea's famous illustration series about the cute emperor penguin that always spreads positivity. The anime series is expected to premiere in spring 2025, marking the diversity of content that IM Animation W brings, from mysterious action to gentle and warm stories.
The “IM Animation W” program is not only a space to show new works but also a place to revive stories that have captivated audiences. With careful investment and desirable projects, this will be an attractive new meeting place for the anime-loving community.