The series, which debuted in 2019, is inspiring an upcoming anime – Light novel series Romelia Senki: Maō o Taoshita Ato mo Jinrui Yabasō Dakara Guntai Soshiki Shita (tạm dịch: A History of the Romelia: Even After Defeating the Demon King, Humanity Seemed to Be in Trouble so We Organized an Army) của tác giả Ryō Ariyama will officially end with sixth episodeaccording to an announcement on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday.
Content summary
The story revolves around Countess Romeliawho along with his allies defeated the Demon King, but soon suffered Prince Henrihis fiance, refused. Not letting personal failure overshadow her responsibility, Romelia returned to her homeland, using her innate secret power to defeat the remaining forces of the Demon Army and restore order. Romelia's journey is not only a fight against external enemies but also a story of building forces to protect humanity in the post-war period.
Publishing history
Web Novel: The series began as an online novel on the site Shōsetsuka ni Narō in 2019.
Light Novel: Published under the imprint Gagaga Bunko belong to Shogakukanwith two illustrators:
Kodama (volume 1).
Ryō Kamito (from episode 2 onwards).
Fifth episode launched on September 18 this year, and the sixth episode will mark the end of the story.
Manga adaptation
Manga adaptation do Ryō Kamito made, launched on January 2022 on the platform Like Comi belong to Mag Garden.
Anime adaptation
Anime project for Romelia Nobody was announced, attracting attention from fans thanks to the fascinating plot that combines fantasy, war and post-war elements.