Kaiju No. 8 kicked off a new season in the anime with its latest episode, showcasing Mina Ashiro's impressive abilities. The series begins by introducing Kafka Hibino's journey to realize his dream of joining the Kaiju Defense Force.
After successfully joining a team and undergoing training, Kafka faces his first real mission, fighting off kaiju attacks in Japan.
In the latest episode, Kafka and his team participate in their first field mission, confronting a small herd of kaiju invading the area.
While many had difficulty in their mission, Mina Ashiro, a famous captain, demonstrated her prowess by unleashing 96% of her battle suit's capabilities. She took down a giant kaiju with powerful explosions, leaving a strong impression on Kafka, who was watching from the sidelines.
Mina's display of strength was partly inspired by her past with Kafka, including their childhood promise and his constant efforts to match her skills.
Despite their history, Mina was happy to see Kafka trying to fight alongside her again, even after all these years. The decision to launch stronger attacks reflects her belief in Kafka's potential and her desire to push him forward.
For Kafka, matching Mina's power level was a challenging goal, and he understood that it would require perseverance and dedication. As he continues on his path to becoming head of the Self-Defense Forces, Kafka is determined to prove himself and stand alongside Mina in battle.