Animated series in the League of Legends universe produced by Riot – Arcane continues to win big at Emmy.
In 2021, in addition to intense matches, new metas and changes, Riot also brings to the League of Legends community top-notch footage in the hit animated series Arcane. Riot’s first film to officially set foot in the cinema field turned out to be extremely positive and received worldwide love.
Recently, at the Emmy Awards – the award that is considered the Oscar of the television genre, Arcane also brought home 3 awards, respectively belonging to 3 episodes of this series. Accordingly, the award for Best Color Painter went to Anne-Laure To of the episode “The Boy Saviour”. The Art Direction Award went to Julien Georgel for the episode “Happy Progress Day!” and finally the Background Design Award for Bruno Couchiho for the episode “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”.
However, the most important goal of the Arcane series at this 2022 Emmy Awards, which is the Best Animated Program award, is still open. To be able to take home this award, Arcane must beat heavyweights like Rick and Morty, Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons and the series What If…? by Marvel.
Of course, these are all big names in the animation team and the possibility of Arcane winning is very difficult. But the LoL community in particular and fans of this series around the world in general are expecting Arcane to do a miracle to prove the strong attraction of this series to world cinema.
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