Kodoani.com – Manga series “Lilia Pregnant the World End” by Shinta Sakayama is about to wrap up its surprising and unique journey with the fifth volume, scheduled to be released on January 10, 2025. This work quickly attracted attention thanks to its strange plot, both humorous and fantasy, combined with detailed drawings and creative storytelling style.
The story breaks the traditional hero mold
In the manga, Takahiro, a hero who defeated the demon king and saved the world, was suddenly attacked by the demon king's daughter, Liliaattack. But instead of seeking revenge, Lilia makes a strange request: she wants Takahiro to get her pregnant. This episode takes an ironic turn when the hero discovers that if he agrees, The world will be destroyed.
From there, the story becomes a series of funny and sad situations, interwoven with emotional aspects and intellectual battles between the two main characters.
Journey of development and success
The series launched on the platform Sunday Webry of Shogakukan in April 2023 and quickly created a buzz. With a novel approach and attractive characters, the manga has maintained a steady appeal through episodes.
The first episode was released in October 2023 and the fourth episode was released on September 11, 2024. Now, with the fifth episode, the story will completely close, promising to bring surprises and emotions. final contact for the reader.
Author Shinta Sakayama – Diverse storyteller
Shinta Sakayama is no longer strange to manga lovers. Previously, he had success with manga adapted from novels “Chaika the Coffin Princess”as well as romantic comedies “Yuzukawa-san Wants You to Guess”. Regardless of the genre, Sakayama always knows how to create a unique appeal for the story and characters.