Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Seishun Frontier is set in near-future Japan – Official Twitter account of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury just announced that the anime series will have a new spinoff manga titled Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury: Seishun Frontier (Adolescent Frontier)scheduled for release in spring 2024.
This new series belongs to the parallel world genre, recreating familiar anime characters in the context of high school students in near-future Japan. The story is written by HISADAKE from the creative team Morion Airlinewho assisted in setting the scene in the original anime. Illustrations by Hiro Hataartist famous for his work Misumi-san wa Misukasenai, is in charge. The manga will be serialized on the platform Comic Newtype by Kadokawa.
Previously, the series also had a spin-off manga titled Kidō Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo Vanadis Heartpublished in the magazine Gundam Ace by Kadokawa from March 2023. In addition, the anime series was also adapted into a novel under the pen of Yūya Takashimaa science fiction researcher and novelist.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury premieres its first season in October 2022 on MBS and TBS channels in Japan. Crunchyroll streamed the anime as soon as it premiered, and made the English dub available from February 2023. The second season aired from April 2023, continuing its Sunday afternoon time slot on the network. big picture in Japan.
Production team:
Director: Hiroshi Kobayashi (Kimi no Iru Machi, Kiznaiver, Spriggan), cùng đồng đạo diễn Ryo Ando (Interviews with Monster Girls, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill).
Screenwriter: Ichirō Ōkouchi (Code Geass, Princess Principal, Sk8 the Infinity).
Character design: mogmo (original design), adapted by Marie Tagashira, Shuri Toida and Hirotoshi Takaya.
Music: Takashi Ohmama (Castle Town Dandelion, Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS).
With this information, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury continues to expand its world through diverse projects, giving fans new approaches to the story and favorite characters.