Anna Nagase, Mashiro Hitaka and Sayaka Kikuchi join the cast of the April series – Anime The Brilliant Healer’s New Life in the Shadows (Isshun de Chiryō Shiteita no ni Yakutatazu to Tsuihō Sareta Tensai Chiyushi, Yami Healer to Shite Tanoshiku Ikiru), adapted from the light novel by author Sakaku Hishikawa and illustrated by Daburyu, has just revealed more information about the production and cast. New actors and release date.
Latest information
New cast announced:
Anna Nagase or Zophia: Leader of the Lizardmen faction, one of the three main demihuman factions in the slums.
Mashiro Hitaka or Lynga: Leader of the Werewolf faction.
Sayaka Kikuchi or Loewe: Orc faction leader.
Main cast:
Shogo Sakata or Zenos
Miharu Hanai or Lily
Yōko Hikasa or Carmilla
Broadcast date: April 2024.
Director: Joe Yoshizaki (Chiikawa, Kiyoneko)
Screenwriter: Taika Miyagi
Character design: denpuougi and Yoshihiro Sawada
Art director: Hiroshi Gouroku
Composing music: Harumi Fuuki
Color design: Moe Kawada
Image director: Kohei Tanada
Audio director: Hiroto Morishita
Content summary
Zenos, born in the slums and raised in poverty, learned to become a healer after meeting a healer in his life. Although he was invited to join by a group of adventurers, he was treated poorly by them and was eventually sent away when they thought he had “outlived his worth.”
Not giving up, Zenos opened an underground clinic in the slums and quickly became known as a talented healer, performing miraculous miracles. The news spread, even attracting attention from the royal palace.
Can Zenos overcome challenges and prejudices to build a better life?
About light novels and manga
Light novel: Published by GA Bunko (SB Creative Corp.). The 7th episode was released today November 15, 2023.
Manga: Provided by SB Creative Corp. published, the fourth volume also came out on November 15, 2023.
Webtoons: Adapted by GA Comic and released from summer 2023.