Kodoani.com – Anime production team Tōsōchū: The Great Missioninspired by Fuji TV's popular show Tōsōchū (Run for the Money), announced that the anime series is now entering its final phase titled “Moon World Colony Championship”.
Information about anime
Launch date: Anime premieres on April 2, 2023.
Story background:Set in the future, when humanity is forced to migrate to the Moon due to climate change on Earth. The story revolves around contestants participating in a dramatic survival game, where diverse settings such as modern Shibuya, Edo-era Japan, and London create a unique stage that transcends the borders of space and time.
Production team
Director:Yukio Kaizawa (Digimon Tamers) and Kōhei Kureta (One Piece, Kirakira Precure a la Mode) direct production at Toei Animation.
Character design:Yōichi Ōnishi is based on original art by Takeshi Okano (Jigoku Sensei Nube).
Music:Kōtarō Nakagawa (Code Geass) is responsible for composing the music.
Art director:Ayaka Kami và Kentarō Akiyama (Revue Starlight).
Background and 3D stage design:Kenji Fukuda and Shōhei Tamura are in charge of these roles respectively.
Film music
Opening song: Runaway World performed by fhána.
The song ends: Adrenaline Game presented by Takane no Nadeshiko.
About the original show Tōsōchū
Tōsōchū (Run for the Money) is a survival game show that has aired intermittently on Fuji TV since 2004. Contestants on the show must “run away” from “hunters” in locations such as parks entertainment or shopping mall to win cash prizes. The show has inspired many stage productions, publications, and even a Netflix version.
The final stage of “Moon World Colony Championship” promises to bring a dramatic and surprising climax to fans, and closes the fascinating story of survival in this unique future world.