On April 25, 2023, anime production studio Production IG announced the anime adaptation of The Concierge manga at the Hokkyoku Department Store and wowed anime fans with a series of adorable trailers introducing playful animation. A new version of the trailer has been released along with the announcement detailing the film’s poster giveaway campaign.
The manga series, written and illustrated by Tsuchika Nishimura, was originally released from February 2017 to November 2018 and received the Excellence Award in the manga category of the 10th Japan Media Arts Festival. 25 in 2022. Recently, the series also received the Audience Silver Award for Best Animated Feature at the Axis section of the 27th Fantasia International Film Festival.
The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store follows Akino and her brand new role as a concierge at the Arctic department store, where all the customers are animals. Through a series of short stories, viewers can see Akino’s growth journey in her role as she tries her best to help a variety of customers.
Despite the challenges she has to go through, Akino still tries her best to solve the customer’s problem with a smile and it is that sincerity that can help her win some particularly difficult customers.
Who is behind the concierge at the Hokkyoku department store?
Yoshimi Tazu will make her directorial debut with The Concierge at the Hokkyoku Department Store, but has worked as an animator on popular films and series such as Paprika, Haikyu!!, and Run With The Wind. . The script is written by Satomi Ooshima (Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko, Raven of the Inner Palace, Hataraki Man) and all character designs will be done by Chiyo Morita (Haikyu!!, The Deer King, Kuroko’s Basketball).
As mentioned earlier, the series is being produced by studio Production IG, which has helped animate several series and anime series such as Haikyu!!, Psycho Pass, The Deer King, etc.
Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store invites viewers to a colorful new world
The film’s trailer features beautiful animations that come to life and upbeat music as viewers get a glimpse of the captivating and fantastical world realized from the pages of Tsuchika Nishimura’s work. In sixty seconds, viewers are led on a brief but emotional journey into the world of protagonist Akino and her daily struggles to prove herself in her new position. From Akino’s perspective, viewers also have the chance to meet a unique cast of mostly non-human characters and hear their stories and what brought them to the department store.
With dazzling visuals, The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store has captured the attention of anime fans around the world. For those who are always looking for anime with a distinct style and a lovely story, The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store is definitely the kind of movie to keep an eye on.