An adaptation based on the light novel series will hit Crunchyroll in October – A character trailer has been published for the anime “I Shall Survive Using Potions“, an upcoming television anime. The anime series is scheduled to begin airing in Japan on October 7, 2023. The video focuses on introducing the story’s main character, Kaoru Nagase.
“I Shall Survive Using Potions” was originally a light novel written by FUNA and illustrated by Sukima, published in Japan by Kodansha under the Kodansha Ranobe Books label. The television anime series “I Shall Survive Using Potions” is directed by Nobuaki Nakanishi at Jumondou studio.
The story revolves around Kaoru Nagase, a person reincarnated into another world after losing her body in an upheaval on Earth. In this new world, Kaoru has a special request for the overseer: she wants the power to create potions any time she wants, with whatever effects she wants it to have. She also requested a Magic Item Box, the ability to understand and speak all languages and bodies like when she was a fifteen year old girl.