The light novel series adapted to anime premiered in October – Dengeki Bunko confirmed on January 19 that the light novel series “Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned a Pig” (Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Hiro) by Takuma Sakai will end with the next volume on March 8. This volume is the ninth volume for the series, and is confirmed to be the “nth” volume. Amazon also lists This episode is episode 9 and the final episode.
Sakai launched the novel series with illustrations by Asagi Tōsaka in March 2020, after winning gold (actually second place) in the 26th Dengeki Novel Awards in 2019. Dengeki by Kadokawa Bunko Edition is publishing the novels in print.
Minami launched a manga adaptation in Kadokawa’s Dengeki Maoh magazine in August 2020.
The story revolves around an ordinary otaku who collapses from a stomach ache after tasting raw pig liver, waking up in a whole new world—where everything is a pig! He is helplessly trapped in his pen until Jess, a girl who can read minds, comes and rescues him. The story continues with humor and adventure as our pig hero tries to keep his boar-like thoughts.
The story was adapted into an anime television series, which premiered on October 7, and the final episode will air on February 5.