Both supernatural series are streaming on Crunchyroll this season – Two popular anime series Toilet-bound Hanako-kun and A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! collaborated on a special visual, combining supernatural characters from both series. This image has the appearance of Hanako, Marshmallow, Haruaki Abeand the adorable supernatural character of Hanako-kun, Mocha. This is a great way to celebrate the release of the second seasons from both anime, which are currently airing on Crunchyroll.
Information about “Toilet-bound Hanako-kun”
Director: Masaomi Ando (Part 1), Yohei Fukui (Part 2)
Studio: Lerche
Spin-off: After-school Hanako-kun is 8 episodes long, directed by Masaki Kitamura.
Plot: At Kamome Academy, supernatural mysteries are always present. Hanako-kuna mischievous ghost in the restroom, connects with the female student Nene Yashirowho explores the hidden supernatural world. Together, they try to keep the peace between the students and the supernatural creatures, despite getting caught up in trouble many times.
Information about “A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!”
Director: Katsumi Ono
Studio: Satelight
Plot: Haruaki Abea shy teacher, finds his dream of becoming a teacher quickly turning into a challenge when he discovers that Hyakki Academy is full of monsters. With supernatural students full of mischief, can Abe overcome his fear and take on the role of a real teacher?
Interesting combination
Both series are not only attractive because of their supernatural and humorous elements but also because of their emotional character development. The meeting between characters such as Hanako, Haruaki Abe, Mochaand Marshmallow in the crossover image will definitely be a highlight, bringing joy to fans of both series.