Created by acclaimed filmmaker Hirotaka Adachi, Netflix’s ‘Exception’ is a science fiction anime produced by Tatsunoko Production (‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’). The film is set in the distant future and follows a team of advanced 3D-printed bioengineers who travel to Planet 10-X to ensure its topographic transformation. With the future of humanity on their shoulders, the crew must work together for a seemingly impossible goal. But circumstances soon forced them to wonder if they were all on the same page. Here’s everything you need to know about the ending of ‘Exception’ season 1. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Exceptions Part 1 Summary
With the explicit goal of the mission to redevelop the Planet with all other memories still intact, Nina, Oscar, Petty, and Mack are bio-3D printed aboard a ship headed for Planet 10-X. Unfortunately, when Lewis, the last member of the advanced group, was finally printed, the group was shocked to see the results. Lewis’ deformed beast-like appearance is unlike what they know of him and realizing that he has little brain function, they eventually decide to eat their friend for his biological material. can be used to reprint him.
Sadly, things don’t go as planned, and Lewis mistakenly kills Nina. As he runs away, the group begins to search for him, and they later realize that he is desperate for help, as he struggles with his divided personality. Meanwhile, Nina is reprinted again. The crew members all have a souvenir that has sentimental value to them, and Petty believes that Lewis mistakenly printing exposure to one of them could help stabilize his feelings. They grabbed the lover’s necklace and when he finally saw it, he got emotional before running away.
The next day, Oscar injured his leg on an isolated part of the ship, and to his surprise, Lewis not only gave him first aid, but also socialized a little. It turns out that he wants to negotiate and has no intention of harming anyone then Oscar decides to offer him help. However, using biomaterials, the rest of the advanced team reprinted Lewis. When the bargaining talks didn’t seem to work out, Lewis sought the help of the Oscars so he could get additional coolants for his cryosleep plan.
The two friends remain in secret and work together to ensure that the cryosleep plan works. To make Planet 10-X habitable, the advanced crew discussed many strategies, one of which included impacting the poles with RA bombs. Lewis eventually managed to get into the room where the extra coolants were stored, with the help of Oscar but was seen fleeing the location without it. As he goes into hiding, the advanced group realizes that the RA bomb has gone missing. So they naturally began to suspect him while Oscar believed he was duped.
Soon after, the crew began desperately investigating to find the bomb. When Lewis reunites with his misprinted self, the latter convinces him that there is a traitor on board the ship, the real thief. The duo form a team and they lock the other members to look at previous footage of the room and other evidence to find out the truth. Although Mack managed to get away, he was soon recaptured and decided to prove his innocence by reprinting and allowing Lewis to study his movements. Meanwhile, Patty, Oscar and Nina devise an escape plan and attempt to run away after injuring Lewis.
Once they were in the control room, Patty finally showed her true colors and revealed that she wanted the mission to fail. Turns out there’s also Patty B, who originally stole the bombs even before the crew was bioprinted. She did it to protect the alien life forms on Planet 10-X that would be destroyed because of the redevelopment plan. So, after forcibly taking the code from Lewis, Patty launches the Atmospheric Transformer to the surface of Planet 10-X with bombs placed in it to ensure that the mission is over.
Exceptions Part 1 Ending: What Caused Lewis’s Wrong Mark?
Misprint Lewis and the other members of the crew had always thought that the sudden rays of sunlight were the only reason for the Bomb to malfunction, leading to the misprint in Lewis’ case. But it turns out that this is not the whole story. After Patty B finished printing, the first thing she did was collect biological material. Naturally, she decided to take it from anyone but herself. So she just instinctively chose the first tank she came across, which belonged to Lewis.
Furthermore, in order to eventually get to the RA bomb, Patty B needs the bio-authentication of the two crew members, so she has to print someone else’s eyes. While the biomaterial she stole from Lewis’ tank shouldn’t have mattered, the sun makes things complicated. In the case of radiation, it was the outer membrane that protected the biological material inside, but because of her unscrupulous actions, Lewis’ tank was exposed. So when a solar flare resulted in unexpected levels of electromagnetic radiation, it ended up damaging Lewis’ genetic information and causing mutations.
Was Planet 10-X’s Planetary Redevelopment Mission a Success? Does it become a habit?
The mission of the crew aboard the ship headed for Planet 10-X is to make it habitable so humanity can eventually colonize it and make it their home. After the persistent intervention of two bioprinted Patties, only two members of the original crew survived to feed humanity’s hope. Though they continued to experiment, Lewis died shortly after, leaving all responsibility on Nina’s shoulders.
On a relatively quiet day, she ended up launching Beanstalks that dispersed in the nearby area while monitoring the relative distances between them to avoid overcrowding. The roots of these pea plants soon form a network and receive energy from the Atmospheric Transformer, allowing them to grow. While the experiment was going on, Nina wanted to use the bio 3D printer on many cases but the biomaterial tanks were damaged and the backup memories were wiped, so she decided to refuse.
Fortunately, Nina’s hard work and perseverance began to pay off when she discovered the creatures in an acre of soil. Soon a canopy of trees covered the entire continent on Planet 10-X, but Nina knew that the arrival of humans would radically change the entire biological composition. The atmospheric transformer ultimately produced the desired result, and the greenhouse gases it produced warmed the underside of the canopy. Not long after, it started to rain persistently and a lake was also formed where the Atmospheric Transformer had originally landed.
Using various animal nuclei stored in the Atmospheric Transformer, Nina printed other organisms using a bio-3D printer. Decades later, Kate, Lewis’ lover, steps out of Womb, into a habitable world with a variety of life forms. To her surprise, she meets Lewis again, who tells her they now have another chance at life. The verdant valleys also have a few spaceships, which means the two lovers aren’t really alone there. So Planet 10-X’s Planetary Redevelop Mission finally succeeded when it became inhabited and supposedly colonized by humans.
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