somei performed the opening theme song for the anime series that premiered on July 7 – The website of the TV anime adaptation of the manga The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today (Dekiru Neko wa Kyō mo Yūutsu) by Hitsuji Yamada posted the second trailer for the anime on Monday.
The website also revealed that somei will be performing the anime’s opening theme song “Ureu Kado niwa Fuku Kitaru” (Fortune Comes to a Worried House).
The anime will premiere on July 7th and will air on MBS and TBS’s “Animeism”.
Cartoon stars:
Hiroki Yasumoto as the cat Yukichi Yui Ishikawa as the office worker Saku Fukuzawa Ai Kakuma as Yuri Shibasaki Katsuyuki Konishi as Kaoru Orizuka MAO as Rio Nishina Miyu Irino as Tenchō (Store Manager) Ayana Taketatsu as Yume Yōko Hikasa voices Yume’s mother Tamie Kubota voices Yume’s grandmother Satomi Satou voices Saku’s mother Jun Fukuyama voices Saku Aoi’s father Inase voices Oshiro Kotoe Taichi voices Mei neighbor
Susumu Kudo was appointed director, while Katsumasa Yokomine directed at GoHands. GoHands is also responsible for writing the script for the series that Tamazo Yanagi is writing. Takayuki Uchida is designing the characters.
When Saku adopted a stray black cat, she never expected it to become the mate equivalent of housekeeping. But Yukichi, a giant cat taller than Saku, is not your ordinary cat. He takes great pride in his cooking skills, and a delicious supermarket item always surprises him. Saku may not have acted together yet, but at least she has Yukichi!
Yamada launched the manga in Kodansha’s Suiyōbi no Sirius online manga on the Nico Nico Seiga website in August 2018. The manga began serialization in Monthly Shonen Sirius in October 2021.