The Super Dragon Ball The universe is full of powerful characters and two new androids, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, recently joined that cast. However, the debut of these extremely powerful androids, who have been described as being on par with Goku and Vegeta, really drew attention to their predecessors, 17 and 18who have the potential to be even stronger.
Android 17 and 18 were created by the chief scientist of the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero, to torment and ultimately kill Goku. Unlike some of his other creations, it implies that Dr. Gero kidnapped two humans and then fused them with various high-tech features to create the robots they are today. The pair are not fully automated structures like robots or biotechnological creatures like Cell. After becoming rivals in Androids Saga, Androids 17 and 18 have been side by side with Goku and his friends many times, especially in Dragon Ball Super. What fans may not consider, however, is that neither of them has reached their full potential.
The launch of Gamma Android makes 17 and 18 look even more impressive
In Dragon Ball Z, androids exist as man-made creatures – thus unable to create ki. However, Dr. Gero has given them an “infinite energy reactor” with the means of generating infinite energy, meaning they never tire and always fight hard. However, their power level is quickly surpassed by Saiyan, Cell, and Majin Bu. There is also the impression that – being man-made creatures – androids cannot grow stronger even with training, but that is not true. Because robots are part human, they can indeed train and become stronger, as Toriyama himself confirmed. In fact, in Dragon Ball Super, Android 17 has become much more powerful. During his first meeting with Goku in the manga, the two briefly fought and Goku had to level up Super Saiyan 3 to keep up, and even then he was in trouble. Maybe 18 is weaker because she is focused on her family and doesn’t have a lot of training opportunities.
As seen in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Dr. Gero’s nephew, Dr. Hedo, has created a new generation of cyborgs. Their base strength is definitely greater than 17 and 18, as they are described as as strong as Goku and Vegeta Blue. These androids also possess the ability to learn and grow stronger in battles, which makes them one of the strongest villains in Dragon Ball Super, however, they are really inferior compared to other androids. with 17 and 18. Despite having huge energy reserves (after fighting with Potential). Gohan is released, Gamma 1 still has 83% energy) in fact, they don’t possess an infinite energy reactor. In addition, it seems that they are more artificial than humans, both in terms of appearance and the fact that they cannot shoot ki but must use a special gun, meaning the ability to grow stronger through training. they will be slightly worse than 17. and 18.
17 and 18 have the potential to be the most powerful heroes in Dragon Ball Super
Judging by these factors, 17 and 18 are somewhat technologically superior to Gamma. Infinite energy means they really never get tired and can always fight at their best. Regardless of their strength, most characters in Dragon Ball share one weakness – they tire and eventually run out of energy. Android 17 and 18 don’t have this problem, but it’s useless if they don’t have the ability to win the war. Fortunately, people’s ability to learn allows them to constantly improve themselves. Since they never get tired, they can literally practice a technique for as long as they want until they master it and this incredible growth potential is shown in their level of strength. new strength of 17. Putting all of this together, it can be concluded that 17 and 18 have the potential to be stronger than not only Android Gamma (some of the strongest characters seen so far), but also remaining heroes in Dragon Ball Super, including the Saiyans.