in the world of Super Dragon Ballthere are two warriors who have proven to be almost completely invulnerable to damage, yet for some reason these inhabitants of Universe 6 have always been looked down upon when they come to power.
In both Universe 6’s competition and the Tournament of Power, Universe 6 featured two fighters, known as Magetta and Botamo. Magetta is a “Metalman”, a robot-like (but clearly not a robot) human species native to both Universes 6 and 7, while Botamo is a member of an unnamed race with an elastic-like body and yellow skin. Magetta proves to be an extreme challenge to Vegeta in their first battle, heating up the area around him and shooting lava-like lava without tiring, while Botamo goes for a full-power Kamehameha from Goku without taking any damage. Both fighters have some impressive feats and are only defeated when fighting in the ring instead of taking damage.
Botamo and Magetta are nearly indestructible
Because of the nature of their bodies, both Botamo and Magetta are nearly immune to physical damage. Botamo’s body has a rubbery consistency and appears to be boneless, allowing him to absorb attacks without taking damage, while Magetta’s metal body is resistant to attacks. Extremely good physics and shows no signs of wear and tear in any fight he’s in. Universe 6 tournament, Botamo is thrown from the ring by Goku, while Magetta is defeated by a barrage of insults from Vegeta, weakening his resolve and causing him to give up the fight.
During the Tournament of Power, Magetta and Botamo teamed up, helping each other stay in the ring as much as possible and were quite a deadly combination. Magetta even tried to cover his ears, preventing the insult trick from working again, at least at first. Once again, however, Magetta and Botamo were only defeated through combat and took very little damage, if any, in battle, even from characters like Top. Magetta is said to have nearly limitless energy at his disposal, much like Androids 17 and 18, and weighs over 1,000 tons, making it extremely difficult for him to move against his will. If Magetta and Botamo enter a truly no-holds-barred fight, their abilities will give them a major advantage over their opponents.
Magetta and Botamo seem to have what it takes to rank among Dragon Ball Super’s most powerful fighters, and have proven many things that they can fight longer than any other character in the series. story. If it weren’t for Magetta’s ridiculous weakness in the face of insults, he would probably have defeated Vegeta with ease, completely changing the landscape of the Universe 6 and 7 tournaments. With such durability and strength as So, it’s surprising that Magetta and Botamo don’t argue about it Super Dragon Ballstrongest more often.