The Pokémon anime introduces a different aspect of life in the Pokémon world, including how useful Pokémon can be in non-combat situations. In the episode “Movie Time! Zorua from ‘The Legend of Pokémon Knight’!”, Zorua’s illusion abilities are used to make it the ultimate movie star. Although Zorua lacks the ability to speak, its ability to change shape makes it an ideal partner for filmmakers, highlighting the unique power of Pokémon in film production.
One of the best attributes of Pokémon anime is how it can improve the world the game has built, showing a different side of life in the Pokémon world. A great example of this takes place in the Black and White era of anime, where a Pokémon’s exclusive abilities allow it to become the ultimate movie star.
Because anime often features side stories and real-life episodes, it can show what life with Pokémon is like for those who aren’t battling and challenging gyms. People often have a partner Pokémon or two, such as a pet, but Pokémon can do much more than normal pets can do, and these partners are usually skilled at something making them very useful to their humans. In the episode “Movie Time! Zorua in ‘The Legend of the Pokémon Knight’!”, there is a perfect example with the eponymous Zorua, whose ability to create illusions is one of the most unique abilities in the series.
Zorua is the ultimate Pokémon movie star
In the episode, young director Luke is trying to make a movie but barely has enough money to make it. So he decided to cast his trusty Zorua in the film, make it take the form of the film’s characters, and essentially do all the acting himself. Luke also has a Golett to help carry filming equipment and a Leavanny to make costumes. While Ash and his friends meet Luke and decide to help him by starring in the movie alongside Zorua, Luke is completely prepared to film the entire movie with Zorua in every role, and that’s just it. due to Zorua’s insistence on playing a specific role. roles that Ash’s group can play.
It’s not hard to imagine how Zorua’s illusion abilities would be useful to filmmakers, and it’s the perfect example of how a person’s partner Pokémon could make their life a lot easier. . Other episodes focusing on filmmaking also have Pokémon play important roles, such as having Pidgeotto provide wind and Water-type Pokémon provide rain for stormy scenes. There was even Hawlucha used as a stunt double in an episode of XY. It makes perfect sense that Pokémon’s unique powers would be used to support film productions in the Pokémon world, and their films are probably quite convincing given the true source of their effects.
However, Zorua has one major limitation: it cannot speak, even in illusion form, so all of its dialogue must be voiced by Iris. Even so, Zorua’s ability to apply other forms makes it a great choice for a filmmaker’s partner, and with a little creativity, this drawback is barely even relevant, especially because dialogue in movies is usually recorded in a sound booth anyway. Of course, there are countless other non-movie related jobs that Pokémon can also do, but few are as useful as Zorua in this particular scenario. This window looks at another side of the Pokémon The world the game is able to present is exactly what the anime does well, and it’s interesting to see Pokémon outside of a battle context.