The anime stars were revealed including Azusa Tachibana, Niina Hanamiya, Misato Matsuoka, Miharu Hanai – Anime adapted from manga Bad Girl Nikumaru has just revealed detailed information about the cast, new images and expected broadcast schedule on the official website and X/Twitter account on Tuesday. The anime will be released in July, although it has previously confused that the anime will open in April.
The main cast:
Azusa Tachibana As Yū Yutani: A first -year high school student and the main character of the story, who decided to pretend to be “Bad Girl” to impress.
NIINA HANAMIYA As Atori Mizutorori: The president of the school's discipline committee and “Madonna” that Yutani loved.
Misato matsuoka As Suzu Suzukaze: A lovely and mischievous supporting character.
Miharu hanai As Rura Ruriha: A member of the story brings many surprises.
Main content:
The story revolves around Yutani, a first -year high school student who is very docile. However, to attract the attention of Atori Mizutori, whom she admired and also president of the school's discipline committee, Yū began to act like a “bad girl.” Since then, humorous and unexpected situations occur in high school.
Production team:
Director: TAKESHI FURUTA (Shaman King 2021).
Writer: Shoji Yonemura (Pokémon, Fairy Tail).
Character Design: Yūki Morimoto (Miss Monochrome).
Music: Arisa Okehazama (Jujutsu Kaisen, The Apothecary Diaries).
Production studio: Bridge.
Information about manga:
Bad Girl is a 4-koma manga (Four-framed comic book) was released by Nikumaru in the Manga Kirara Carat magazine of Houbunsha in December 2020. So far, the manga has received the love of readers, and and The fourth episode was published on July 25.
With funny, gentle content with talented cast, Anime Bad Girl promises to bring a fun and emotional summer to the fans.