Kodoani.com – Anime series Mikadono San Shimai wa Angai, Choroi (The Three Mikadono Sisters are Surprisingly Easy), adapted from the romantic comedy manga of the same name by author Aya Hirakawa, has officially announced more cast information and release date.
Latest announcement
On occasion Sister's Day (Ane no Hi) in Japan (December 6), the anime's official website confirmed:
Yurina Amami will take on the role Kazuki Mikadonothe eldest of the three Mikadono sisters.
Voice actor information for Niko Mikadono (second sister) will be announced on February 5.
Also, the main character Yū Ayase will be due Minami Hinata voiceover.
Production team
The anime series will be produced by the famous studio P.A. Workswith:
Tadahito Matsubayashi be a director.
Yūsuke Inoue in charge of character design.
The anime is scheduled to premiere on 2025.
Main content
The story revolves around Yū Ayaseson of Subaru Ayase, a mother famous for her beauty, intelligence, and outstanding health. However, Yū only inherited her mother's good looks and no other outstanding talents.
When he is accepted into a prestigious school, Yū moves into the house of his mother's friend, the family Mikadonoand began to live with three talented but also “weak” sisters in their own ways:
Kazuki Mikadono: The eldest sister is calm and mature.
Niko Mikadono: The second sister is mysterious and somewhat cold.
Himari Mikadono: The youngest brother is chatty and adorable.
The story is a combination of humorous situations and the emotional development of relationships between Yū and the three Mikadono sisters.
Information about the original manga
The manga debuted in the magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday by Shogakukan in December 2021. To date, the manga has been published to 11 episodeswith the latest episode released on October 18, 2024.