Kodoani.com – Anime Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyodaititled in English as “Youth Story of a Family” based on the manga of the same name by Shizuki Fujisawa announced a new visual for the anime series, along with the opening and ending themes.
Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyodai’s opening theme will be “Naiteiinda” (roughly translated: “We remembered”) performed by flumpool, while Aoi Kubo will perform the ending theme song “Sasakure.”
The Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyodai anime series is directed by Mitsuru Hongo (Ascendance of a Bookworm director) at studio Shuka, with music created by Yoshikazu Suou and character designs by Orie Tanaka (animator animator). main character for Natsume’s Book of Friends), she is also the animation director. The movie will premiere on October 5 at 11 p.m.
The story revolves around Yuzuki’s family of four brothers, whose parents passed away two years ago. The eldest son, Hayato, is the only one in the family who is an adult; second son, Mikoto, is in middle school; third son, Minato, is also in middle school; and youngest son, Gakuto, is in first grade. The story focuses on Minato, who has a complicated relationship with Mikoto, who is in the same class as his brother even though they are not twins, and with Hayato, who has to rely on Mikoto more than himself. .
Theo: Kodoani.com