The Kaihen no Mahōtsukai manga focuses on the encounter between an eccentric witch and a mysterious boy. – Magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday Shogakukan's joint 36th and 37th issues revealed on Wednesday that author Yellow Tanabe will launch a new manga titled Kaihen no Mahōtsukai (The Witch of the Changing Border) in issue 42, scheduled for release on September 11. The manga is an “oriental fantasy” series about an eccentric and mysterious magician living in the borderlands, where he meets a mysterious boy.
Yellow Tanabe began his career with the manga Kekkaishi, which was serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday from 2003 to 2011, after eight successful years. The series was adapted into a television anime series from 2006 to 2008. Viz Media released the anime series as a four-disc DVD set in 2011, and Discotek Media followed up with a Blu-ray release in June 2022.
Tanabe, the author of Kekkaishi, also launched the Birdmen manga in Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in July 2013, and the series ended in February 2020.