The original anime shared placement with The Super Mario Bros. Movie – Movie competition Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine and The Super Mario Bros. Movie The Japanese market has been exciting over the past month. Despite facing many other competitors, both films had audience participation and achieved impressive sales.
Currently, Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine is ranked 20th with revenue of 13.71 billion yen (about 112.23 million USD) and more than 9.04 million tickets sold. This film is highly appreciated with the 12th highest grossing of all time in Japan.
Meanwhile, The Super Mario Bros. Movie is ranked 17th with revenue of 13.94 billion yen (about 101.64 million USD). This film took the spot from Detective Conan after a period of heated competition.
Based on information as of September 10, Top Gun Maverick is ranked 19th and is only about 20 million yen ahead of Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine. Number 21 on the chart is Tom Cruise’s 2003 film The Last Samurai.
This shows the great appeal of both films and the love of audiences in Japan. Both Detective Conan: Dark Iron Submarine and The Super Mario Bros. Movie defeated many strong competitors in the competition in the Japanese film market and achieved remarkable success.