Meitantei Conan: Sekigan no Flashback will be released in Japan on April 18 – The 28th film in the Detective Conan series, titled Meitantei Conan: Sekigan no Flashback (Detective Conan: One-Eyed Flashback), just released its first trailer, offering a promising look at its unique setting and story.
The film is set in the snowy mountains of Nagano, where Conan and the other characters face a new mystery. Promotional images show Conan on a snowboard, with the inspector appearing Yamato Kansukefamous for his left eye injury, and Kogoro Moriwho returns to an important role after nearly two decades since Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths (2005). Characters Taka'aki Morofushi and Yui Ueharaalso from Nagano Prefecture, contributes to increasing the appeal of the story.
The film is directed by Katsuya Shigeharadirector who had success with Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine (Iron Submarine). The script was written by Takeharu Sakuraiwho has participated in many projects in the series in the past.
The movie Detective Conan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube (Million Dollar Five-Pointed Star), released last April, set a new record. In its first week of release, the film sold more than 2.2 million tickets, earning 3.35 billion yen (about 21.7 million USD). It is the highest-grossing film in the series, surpassing the 13.83 billion yen (about 88.23 million USD) milestone of Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine.
With an attractive setting in the snowy mountains, the return of beloved characters, and a talented production team, Meitantei Conan: Sekigan no Flashback promises to continue to strengthen the position of the Detective Lung brand. Name Conan. This is definitely one of the most anticipated movies of 2024.