Vinland Saga is a popular manga and anime series with a host of heroes and villains that readers either love or hate throughout its decades-long story. And now, series author Makoto Yukimura recently revealed something about Vinland Saga’s diverse cast of characters that some fans will appreciate, all thanks to some touching interactions with A dedicated fan base can’t get enough of the epic Viking action.
Set in the 11th century, Vinland Saga follows protagonists Thorfinn Karlsefni and King Canute (among many others) as they navigate a world in need of unity, conquest, or self-development, depending on Depends on the point of view of the character in question. Having recently concluded its long-awaited and critically acclaimed second season, Vinland Saga’s manga is still continuing with over 200 chapters after 18 years of publication, with the series’ finale likely to be on the way. ends in 2024, making the idea of Yukimura setting fans’ birthdays really is for the popular characters to be healthier to watch!
Vinland Saga characters share birthdays with readers by design
An exquisite set of Easter eggs revealed in an exclusive interview with Screen Rant during this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Makoto Yukimura was at one point asked, “Do you have a particularly touching letter or interaction?” with fans who love this series?” with Yukimura’s answer completely qualified as such. Responding that he was recently “celebrating his fans’ birthdays”, Yukimura clarified his comment by acknowledging that since readers “really care about the characters’ birthdays” and always When asked about their birthdays, Yukimura started asking fans about their birthdays. led him to give multiple Vinland Saga characters their birthdays on the same day and the same month as a reader, instantly creating a connection with fans that not many other manga have.
A sweet and simple gesture has been of great help to die-hard fans of the series, without specifying which particular hero or villain Yukimura had birthday in real life — Thorfinn is the 3rd. February and Canute is July 12 — but from these comments alone, it’s clear that many people have received this treatment. Getting an autograph, photo, or thank you from one of your favorite creators is one thing, but Yukimura takes it to the next level with an unexpected tribute that becomes something completely different. otherwise, as a lucky few readers are now part of the Vinland Saga DNA, a sort of bragging rights that is sure to be the jewel in any nerd’s crown.
Vinland Saga fans have their birthdays set for various characters
So while this isn’t an obvious way to show the immense appreciation and respect Yukimura has for his readers, he still deserves help putting together the eggs. Resurrection places this right into his series, especially considering that he has more than enough characters to look for. Many readers will be linked forever. Suffice it to say, your birthday has become the norm Vinland Saga is an incredibly fun and exciting way for Makoto Yukimura to honor the very readers who made Thorfinn’s adventure the resounding success it is today!
Source: Screen Rant