Star Wars: Visions director Takanobu Mizuno directed, Gen Urobuchi wrote the anime script – Crunchyroll and Sucker Punch Productions just announced an ambitious project at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES): an anime adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima: Legendsthe multiplayer version of the popular title Ghost of Tsushima. The project will launch exclusively on Crunchyroll in 2027, promising to bring a unique combination of Japanese history, mythology and anime art style.
Takanobu Mizunodirector known for his work in short films Star Wars: Visions “The Duel,” will direct the project at Kamikaze Douga, the studio behind such impressive works as Batman Ninja, Sand Landand JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Accompanying Mizuno, Gen Urobuchitalented screenwriter of famous anime series such as Fate/Zero and Magical Girl Madokatakes on the role of plot writer.
The anime series is made in collaboration with Aniplex and Sony Musicensuring the quality of music and soundtrack will be a notable highlight.
Context and Content
During the game Ghost of Tsushima The original focuses on the Mongol invasion of Tsushima island in 1274, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends turned to exploiting Japanese folk culture and mythology. The anime series is expected to expand the story of this supernatural world, bringing dramatic battles, mystical characters, and strong connections to traditional Japanese culture.
History of Game Titles
Ghost of Tsushimafirst released on PlayStation 4 in 2020 and later expanded to PlayStation 5 and PC, has become one of the most beloved action-adventure titles. The story of Jin Sakai, a samurai who survives against the Mongols, received acclaim for its deep story, innovative gameplay, and stunning visuals. Next part, Ghost of Yōteidue out later this year, is set in Hokkaido in 1603.
Ghost of Tsushima: Legendsthe multiplayer version, launched in October 2020 and was released separately in September 2021. Unlike the original game, Legends delves into Japanese myths, making the perfect premise for the upcoming anime adaptation.
With a top creative team and a fascinating mythological background, the anime promises to be a new mark in the journey of expanding the universe. Ghost of Tsushima.