Kodoani.com – In an emotional announcement after the 50th anniversary screening of the animated film Space Battleship Yamato by Yoshinobu Nishizaki and Leiji Matsumoto On Sunday, director Hideaki Anno revealed that he and his Khara studio are producing a new project with all-new anime footage. Anno said Khara has received licensing approval from Yamato's copyright holders, including Voyager Holdings and Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, to develop this project.
Details About New Project
Although Anno could not reveal much information about the project yet, he emphasized that it will be different from remake projects currently in the works, such as Space Battleship Yamato 2199. However, Yutaka Izubuchi, executive director of remake projects and was a guest at the screening, is also participating in this new project. Anno said the production team aims to begin production in 2025 with hopes of a theatrical release after that.
Inspiration From Yamato
Hideaki Anno, best known for co-creating Neon Genesis Evangelion and participating in films such as Shin Godzilla, Shin Ultraman, and Shin Kamen Rider, has frequently mentioned Yamato as a major inspiration in his creation. his career. In a statement about the 50th anniversary project, Anno shared that he has been a Yamato fan for 49 years, since middle school. He also reminisced about missing the first episode when the series first aired, but did not miss any of the second to last episodes, even sacrificing watching Great Mazinger to Get home in time to watch a movie.
Journey Of Space Battleship Yamato
The original anime follows the journey of the battleship Yamato during World War II, when it is revived as a spaceship to fight alien threats to Earth. The first television series premiered in October 1974, and the first animated film debuted in 1977, earning 2.1 billion yen (about US$23 million) at the box office. The series achieved a record instant television rating of 50% in 1978.
With the return of Space Battleship Yamato and the participation of Hideaki Anno, fans have reason to feel excited about this new project. Stay tuned so you don't miss any information about your next journey in the world of Yamato!
Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199 (Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199), a project in the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 remake series, will launch with seven films, starting with the first film “Kuro no Shinryaku” (Dark Invasion) on last July.