Fans are excited to see the battle between Qin and Han in Kingdom Chapter 807but they'll have to wait another week. Next week is a magazine break. Let's take a look at some more information about the upcoming Chapter and its spoilers.
Kingdom Chapter 806 Summary
Chapter 806 of the Kingdom manga makes the nobles in the Han Dynasty court terrified. First, this chapter starts with Shin and his army marching. Shin really enjoys the feeling of leading 60,000 people. Our boy has really grown up.
We then see a flashback where General Kyou Kai talks about strategy. They must minimize losses, destroy the Han Dynasty, and then join the invasion of Zhao.
To do this, Kyou Kai suggested that they avoid fighting. Surprisingly, Tou thought the same.
Nanyou is in trouble!
At the Han capital Shintei, they received reports of the Shin army slowly advancing towards Nanyou.
The second general of the Han army, 'Hakuou Koku', was in charge of guarding the castle. Their first general, Rakukan, advised the King to concentrate his forces on the most important place.
That was how the Han fought from the beginning. But then there was another report that another army had appeared behind Shin. Tou's army led 100,000 men, and 160,000 men advanced towards Nanyou.
Three choices
The royal palace was very worried and confused. The main question was what should they do now.
The Prime Minister proposed three options for them:
- The first is to have General Rakukan command the entire Shintei army and face the Tou army directly.
- The second option is to wait and watch the Nanyou battle.
- Third is to order the Nanyou army to immediately retreat towards Shintei.
If they choose the third option, it means they will have to sacrifice the people inside the castle.
However, before they could make a decision, they were shocked by another report. A new army of 100,000 men had appeared and was also advancing towards Nanyou.
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Kingdom Chapter 807 Spoilers
Spoilers and leaks for the next chapter are expected to come out on August 19 and 20. There's a less than 10% chance we'll get leaks early next week, but I wouldn't bet on it. Also, check out our top-ranked Kingdom arcs and let us know what you think of them.
Kingdom Chapter 807 Release Date and Time
Manga, Kingdom Chapter 807 is ready to be released on August 21, 2024, at 22:00 WIB.
Where to read Kingdom Chapter 807?
Fans and readers can read and enjoy Kingdom Chapter 807 manga only on Young Jump magazine.
Even without any action, this Chapter has got us excited. In the end, it seems like Qin is in a good position as fans are fed up after seeing them face off against Zhao.
Now whether this hoax works, or whether Han fights against them, we will have to wait and see in Kingdom Chapter 807.
Also read: Eleceed Chapter 311: The battle begins!