The manga recently returned from its previous hiatus on December 11 – Shogakukan's Wednesday and Thursday 2025 issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine has announced that the manga Freezing: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Frieren) by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe will continue on hiatus from the next issue. This comes shortly after the series returned from its two-week break on December 11, following its hiatus at the end of November.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End also went through multiple hiatuses this year, including the period from May 15 to August 7. Previously, the series went on hiatus in early 2023, from January to August. 3.
Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe began serializing the manga in Weekly Shonen Sunday in April 2020. Shogakukan published the first compiled book volume in August 2020 and released the 13th compiled volume on April 17. Viz Media has published released the 11th volume in English on September 10. Since the anime adaptation debuted, manga sales have skyrocketed by 7 million copies, bringing the total to over 17 million copies in circulation.
Anime Freezing: Beyond Journey's End premiered in September 2023 with a two-hour special episode, and information about the anime's second season has been confirmed, promising to continue to attract fans' attention in the near future.