Shinichi Fukuda, anime character designer Kazumasa Ishida draws illustrations to celebrate milestone – Aniplex just revealed that the manga “My Dress-Up Darling” (Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru) by author Shinichi Fukuda has reached the milestone of 10 million copies in circulation (however, not all have been sold). To commemorate this milestone, Fukuda drew a picture Special illustrations.
Kazumasa Ishida, character designer and one of the main animation directors for the anime adaptation of the manga, also drew an illustration to celebrate the success.
The manga reached 3.5 million copies in circulation in early 2022, before the television anime based on the manga aired.
The English version of the manga is published by Square Enix Manga & Books and depicts the story of Wakana Gojō, a doll maker, and Marin Kitagawa, a trendy girl with a passion for cosplay. Marin helps Wakana explore this hobby and create incredible cosplay costumes.
The manga has been serialized in Square Enix’s “Young Gangan” magazine since January 2018. Square Enix published the 12th compiled book volume on September 25.
The series was adapted into a 12-episode television anime that premiered in January 2022, and currently has a future sequel.