Manga about two guys plotting to make trillions of dollars is inspired by the live-action series released in July – Manga “Trillion Game” by Riichirou Inagaki and Ryoichi Ikegami will be adapted into a television anime series, according to an announcement by Kadokawa. The anime will air on TBS and other channels in Japan. Kadokawa posted an announcement trailer for the project. anime project, and also released an announcement commemorative image drawn by Ryoichi Ikegami.
Manga “Trillion Game” tells about two guys, Haru and Gaku, with two opposing personalities. Haru is a talented, confident and convincing speaker, capable of making billions of dollars to buy anything he wants. Gaku is a clumsy but highly skilled programmer. They have been friends since high school and reunited when Gaku’s application to a banking company was rejected.
The “Trillion Game” manga launched in Shogakukan’s Big Comic Superior magazine in December 2020 and was published as a compilation booklet. This manga has sold more than 1.5 million copies in circulation.
The manga was previously available for a live-action adaptation that premiered on TBS and its affiliated channels on July 14.