One Piece anime created a huge craze around the world with the recent “Wano” arc. But what made even author Eiichiro Oda so moved? – One Piece, Eiichiro Oda’s popular manga and anime work, has dominated fantasy culture for more than a decade. Its influence does not stop in Japan but has spread throughout the world.
On the Viz Media Mangag Musings blog, where many famous authors discuss their works, Eiichiro Oda expressed his excitement over the “Wano” arc of the One Piece anime. He wrote, “Lately I cry every time I watch the One Piece anime. The Wano part is so good! Thank you for the great performances!”
The “Wano” arc featured a climactic fight between Monkey D. Luffy and Kaido, one of the strongest characters in the One Piece world. This fight required Luffy to overcome his limits and create his 5th Gear Form through his Devil Fruit. This power allows Luffy to defeat Kaido.
One Piece doesn’t just shine on the small screen. The live-action series on Netflix has received incredible support from the audience and has been renewed for Season 2. Rumors about this project have been spreading, and Eiichiro Oda has made sure that everything “goes right”. direction.”
The One Piece anime and its influence continue to flourish in both the author’s soul and the hearts of fans. The “Wano” arc made a strong impression and is one of the best animated shows in recent times. This is just a small part of One Piece’s grand journey, and we will continue to watch and love it for years to come.