Anime One-Punch Man is referring to the launch of the expected third season, Saitama and the Hero Association will eventually return to the small screen after more than 5 years of waiting. While Garou and the Monster Association still act as a major threat in the anime, the manga surpassed the villain group shaking this world.
Unfortunately, Manga readers are having problems with Chapter 212 of One-Punch Man, when the creators created the series once again deciding to enter the world “redrawing”.
This decision led anime fans to believe they were trapped in an “endless loop”.
Summary of what is happening in the manga, a series of battles with Garou has ended, the series continues to introduce a new villain. This guy is one of the strongest ninja of Ninja village, Void, who was formerly the ally of the leading hero blast.
In the story of the Monster Association, when Garou awakened the state of power at his level of god, he accidentally liberated the cosmic rays. This forces Blast to turn them to another dimension to protect the Earth.
At the same time, Void absorbed these rays through space cracks to be able to revive and use God's power. More frightening, he has the ability to move between the dimensions so it is easy to hide or hit others.
So what is Redraw?
Typically, painter One-Punch Man Yusuke Murata will recreate the past scenes from the favorite comic series, making changes that they feel help improve the quality. Basically, One-Punch Man has been redone content and redrawed some of the latest chapters based on the story before. These changes are based on the old storyline to develop and expand the story space with many new details and scenes.
Of course, if you ignore the benefits that these drawings bring, many fans feel lost when the new chapters are not focused on, especially at this stage of ARC. Redrawing the content of an official published manga is irregular and should not happen.
Yusuke Murata once announced through his X account that he will redraw the chapters of the current ARC Ninja village and the results may be completely different from the original.
For those who wonder when we will see Void first appear in the anime adaptation, maybe you will have to wait a while. The upcoming third part will mainly focus on Garou and the Monster Association if it continues to stick to the original document, and it is likely that the fourth part will do so based on the length of the battles in it. Although it may take some time to see these battles are animated, the popularity of this series is almost guaranteed that one day the anime of One-Punch Man will bring them up. screen.