T1 temporarily occupied the top of the LCK Summer 2022 table by playing 1 match more than GEN.
T1 struggled to come back up against Kwangdong Freecs with a score of 2-1 on this evening (July 21) in Week 6 of the 2022 Summer LCK group stage. Although they did not win the Player of the Game (POG) ) but Oner, T1’s jungler, had an impressive performance with Lee Sin and Xin Zhao. Let’s see what Oner said in the post-match interview.
How are you feeling right now?
Since we had to suffer our first and only loss of the current season against KDF, we thought we had to win at any cost. I was a bit worried when I lost game 1 but everyone thought I was going to win so I played the next two games comfortably. It was nice that we were able to pay off our debt.
Today, KDF played quite well despite their difficulties in recent matches. How do you rate them in this match?
We also think that KDF is having a hard time lately so we can beat them without much difficulty. But it seems that KDF plays much better every time they play against us. I think they prepared very well.
What did the team discuss with each other after losing game 1?
We lost something because of collective mistakes. We talked about it and also the times when the calls were missing. Those parts were fixed in the next two games so we could win.
You locked Ashe early in the pick and ban phase. What is the reason?
The bot lane picks are mainly directed by Gumayusi and Keria so I don’t know the details. Keria seems to like Ashe and he plays really well so I think that’s why we picked him early.
In game 3, the two teams almost brought in the entire game 2 lineup and only refreshed the top lane. What is the cause?
I just realized the champions are all the same except for the top lane after the game is over. Looks like the opponent likes Kalista and Renata Glasc so we just responded to their picks.
Ellim’s Jarvan IV kept ganking bot lane but you had a counter attack to support his teammates.
Anyone can see that they’re going to be frequent teamfights in bot lane so I think jungle should be close by. If we keep up with Jarvan IV, I think our bot lane will easily get ahead.
Currently, there are many choices in the jungle. Who do you think is the strongest jungler in the meta?
I’m not sure without Magic Flash. But with Magic Flash, Poppy is the strongest champion (jungle) in the current meta. Poppy’s jungle is very good and can do a lot of things even without a big boost. With Magic Flash, this champion can interfere with very deep lanes.
When were the players told they couldn’t use Magic Flash? Do you have any problems with it?
We got the notification around 10pm last night. Pick ban didn’t change too much since Magic Flash was banned. Our picks and bans are fine, so let’s just do it.
You will meet Fredit BRION in the next match. How do you think it will turn out?
Compared to the beginning of the season, BRO has changed into a more calculating team. They will make moves to play to their strengths so we need to be well prepared to deal with them.
There have been a lot of arbitration issues lately. How do you think this will be improved?
During the pause, I felt that the referees behind us had no real power. Things could be easier if they had the right to pause the game. If they were allowed to make their own decisions, things would be more favorable.
(*Correction: Riot Games emphasized that the referees behind the players are RIGHT to pause the match. Because of the constant communication with the BTC, it seems that the players do not realize it).
Would you like to say anything more?
Thank you all for coming to LOL Park in this hot weather. I hope next time, I will be interviewed as a POG. Thanks all.