Young adult golf manga Green Green Greens launches in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine – In issue #51 of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, new announcements were revealed, in particular the appearance of a new manga titled “Green Green Greens” from author Kento Terasaka, who is famous for his previous work “Beast Children”. At the same time, the manga “Ruirui Senki” by author Kento Amemiya will also begin serialization from the first issue in 2024, expected published on December 4.
Terasaka’s new manga, “Green Green Greens,” focuses on the story of Haku, an ordinary high school student who accidentally enters the exciting world of golf. It promises to bring new and exciting experiences.
Kento Terasaka achieved success with his rugby sports manga “Beast Children,” which appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2019. The work’s creativity and originality attracted widespread attention from readers , laid the foundation for the author’s promising career.
Kento Amemiya’s “Ruirui Senki” manga, a one-shot manga that appeared in Shonen Jump GIGA magazine in 2021, will also return to readers in serialized form, bringing with it something new and exciting. .