Author Mami Tsumura is preparing to release a one-shot story and a new manga, as revealed by Big Comic Superior magazine. – Manga author Mami Tsumura, famous for her work “Kotarō wa Hitori Gurashi” (Kotaro Lives Alone), is preparing to release a new one-shot and a manga series. This information was revealed in this year's 23rd issue of Shogakukan's Big Comic Superior magazine. Currently , there are no more specific details about these new projects.
Previously, Tsumura launched the manga “Kotarō wa Hitori Gurashi” in Big Comic Superior in 2015, and the series ended in June 2023. Shogakukan published the manga's 10th and final volume in June 2015. 8, 2023. The series won the 2018 Electronic Manga Award.
“Kotarō wa Hitori Gurashi” was adapted into a live-action series that debuted in April 2021, with a second season premiering in April 2023. Additionally, the manga also inspired the film series animation on Netflix debuts in March 2022.