The action-horror manga focuses on students with problems in kindergarten – Kadokawa announced that the action-horror manga “Kaya-chan wa Kowakunai” (roughly translated: “Kaya is not scary”) by author Tarō Yuri will be adapted into a television anime. This announcement comes with introductory images and illustrations from the author himself.
The story takes place at a kindergarten, where Kaya is known as a trouble-making child. When teacher Chie is assigned to take care of Kaya, she discovers the girl's special hidden abilities.
The manga “Kaya-chan wa Kowakunai” began serialization on Shinchosha's Kurage Bunch website in April 2022. The manga's sixth volume is scheduled for release on November 9.
Currently, detailed information about the production team and broadcast date of the anime has not been announced.