Telecom Animation Film’s Astro Note combines board comedy with sci-fi elements, promising a fresh and dynamic show. The anime’s colorful settings and diverse character designs demonstrate the comedic focus within the romantic comedy genre. Astro Note incorporates aliens into its eccentric cast, with a talented creative team involved in the production.
Telecommunications cartoon Note from Astrowhich Crunchyroll will air next year, taking audiences back to motel comedies of the past, albeit with a sci-fi twist. The original anime featured a talented creative staff, including the character designer of Carole & Tuesday, and perhaps more appropriately, the director of Gintama. Thus, Astro Note seems to be a newly created comedy.
Crunchyroll’s new trailer for the original anime hints at what to expect from Astro Note. The colorful backgrounds and varied character designs seem to promise a dynamic show that leans more toward the “comedy” side of a romantic comedy.
With an April 2024 air date, Astro Note seems perfectly ready to welcome both spring and April Fools’ Day.
Astro Notes echoes other motel comedies, with a modern feel
Created by Telecom Cartoons
Crunchyroll’s subtitled trailer accompanies the synopsis, providing some context for the upcoming show:
Takumi, a talented chef, has just been laid off. He gets a gig at an old boarding house called Astro-sou, but hesitates to accept after learning he also has to live there full-time. That is until he meets the beautiful and charming caretaker, Mira, and he is sold. The two began working together and their relationship deepened. But Mira has a secret: she’s not from this world!
The final seconds of the trailer make it clear that Mira’s secret is no exaggeration – Astro Note appears to have included aliens in its already eccentric cast. Also supporting the production are some talented creators in the anime industry. Eisaku Kubonouchi, best known for his designs for Carole & Tuesday, returns to deliver another combination of beautiful face and exaggerated body that fits the romantic comedy genre. Meanwhile, Shinji Takamatsu, who directed 105 episodes of Gintama, will take on the role of main director – a natural choice, since Astro Note also tells about strange interactions between humans and aliens. pure. Voice actors Soma Saito and Maaya Uchida will voice Takumi and Mira respectively.
The most curious part of Astro Notes is its return to the boarding house as the location for a romantic comedy. It’s like Maison Ikkoku or even Love Hina. Even the roles of Takumi and Mira are reminiscent of the main characters of the previous part, Yusaku and Kyoko. However, “motel comedies” have fallen out of favor until now. Astro Note has some interesting twists to the formula: in addition to the sci-fi angle, Takumi also works as a live chef when most of the main characters are usually NEETs. It’s a small change but could make Takumi invest more in the building.
The trailer suggests that the “romance” element will be played more for laughs, with Takumi trying to flirt with a space alien acting more like another joke than a serious relationship . Again, this helps distinguish the anime from other similar stories, in which romance sometimes replaces their attempts at comedy, while here it seems the opposite is true. This original anime will hopefully add diversity next spring, which will surely see more adaptations or subsequent seasons for existing series. Anime fans should keep an eye out Note from Astro next year with its unusual formula changes.
Source: YouTube (Crunchyroll)