Adaptation based on isekai fantasy light novel series to air starting October 3 – Anime TV Series Loner Life in Another Worldbased on the Light Novel Isekai of the same name, released two new trailers focusing on the two groups “Gals” and “Class Rep” of the story, increasing the eagerness of the fans before the official debut on October 3, 2024.
In a fun scene, Haruka (in chibi form) looks bored, while the Class President leader looks embarrassed at the prospect of being summoned to a fantasy world. The film's key visual also shows Haruka in adventurer attire, being chased by nine of her classmates in uniform through a cobblestone village street.
The anime is directed by Akio Kazumi, with the cooperation of the studio Hayabusa Film, Passione and Frontier Engine.
The story revolves around Haruka, who along with his entire class is summoned to a fantasy world. However, Haruka accidentally misses the chance to choose a special power and is stuck with the “leftover” abilities that his classmates rejected. Despite not possessing impressive powers, he uses his skills to live comfortably as a “lone wolf”. However, when his classmates realize that their “super” powers are not what they expected, Haruka is forced to save them with the abilities they once despised.
Haruka's creativity and ingenuity in using the abandoned powers promises to bring many funny and attractive moments in the anime.