True to its name, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a uniquely strange anime series, defined by its distinct art style, original characters, and surprisingly creative stories and settings. With each installment of the series following a different generation, the story never gets old, constantly evolving and surprising fans with new ideas.
With the JoJo series featuring a colorful cast of diverse characters, viewers are sure to relate to some characters more than others. But when trying to identify a character, an attractive option is to use a person’s zodiac sign. These may not be early signs of the characters, but they certainly make for an excellent representation of them.
1 Aries: Lisa Lisa
Perhaps the most outstanding trait of Aries is courage, which Lisa Lisa certainly possesses, keeping a brave face even in the worst of situations. Like the brave leader of the zodiac, she also trains and leads Ripple users with undisputed authority. Another common trait of cardinal fire signs is aggression, which also identifies Lisa Lisa as a person to a fault. Not only does she fight her enemies with Ram’s exceptional confidence, but she can also be described as somewhat aggressive and impatient when training her students, Caesar and Joseph , often placing them in life-threatening situations, forcing them to evolve rapidly.
2 Taurus: Robert EO Speedwagon
Like Taurus, Speedwagon is nothing if not loyal. He cares deeply for his friends, trying his best to help them. Even after Jonathan’s death. Speedwagon maintains a close relationship with Erina. Like the fixed earth sign, Speedwagon can be said to represent stability and security in the JoJo universe. Not only does he act as a trusted parent to Joseph, but he also serves as a caretaker for the entire Joestar family, ensuring that his organization continues to support them even after his death. Last but not least, he is also a hard worker and financially successful, which Bull natives often do.
3 Song Tử: Josuke Higashikata
Born under the sign of Gemini, Gemini people are often considered inconsistent, which is a pretty apt description of Josuke. Typically, he is a gentle person, as evidenced by his Stand’s ability to heal people. However, he can also get uncontrollably angry when people make fun of his hairstyle, attacking them without hesitation. Furthermore, while displaying intelligence and curiosity typical of mutable air signs, Josuke’s intelligence can also become cunning when necessary, as he can lie to gain your goal. Finally, he is also a great communicator, easily making friends and even connecting with enemies, sometimes getting them on his side.
4 Cancer: Narancia Ghirga
The best way to recognize a Cancer is by their level of emotions and feelings. Narancia is similar, with his behavior often described as childish – he makes no attempt to hide his emotions or act against them, expressing himself fully without regard pay attention to your situation. The cardinal water sign is also often associated with loyalty, and Narancia herself is no exception, extremely loyal to her teammates. This extends to another Crab-like trait; Aside from his loud and aggressive tendencies is a soft-hearted, kind-hearted boy who values friendship above all else, even making friends with old enemies like Trish.
5 Leo: Rohan Kishibe
Leos love to stand out and attract attention, whether by themselves or through their creativity. One of Rohan’s most recognizable traits is his creativity, as he is a talented and passionate comic artist who takes his work very seriously. Furthermore, his connection to his creations leads to another Leo trait, which is arrogance to the point of arrogance. While he respects some people, such as Tonio, whose skills as a chef he values, Rohan tends to look down on people, instead seeing them as material for a story. my story. Similar to the fixed fire sign, Rohan has a penchant for drama, eccentricity, and art in all its forms.
6 Xử Nữ: Jotaro Kujo
Highly intelligent and analytical, Virgo enjoys order and problem solving. Jotaro is no different, his intelligence and ability to reason are two of his most outstanding personal skills, which he uses even in combat (for example, using books as a form of armor to defend himself). protection from Dio’s knives) as well as in life (e.g. bluffing at poker). game and win against the experts). Another Virgin trait shared by Jotaro is his deep loyalty to others, especially trusted companions. Finally, like the mutable earth sign, he is usually serious, calm and quiet, not trying to make friends or seek praise.
7 Libra: Jean Pierre Polnareff
As the sign of the Scales, Libra is often overly concerned with justice and balance, seeking fairness in all aspects of life. Similarly, Polnareff is primarily defined by his sense of honor, as he always seeks to ensure that his matches are fair to his opponents and refuses to use despicable tactics. Another important trait associated with the dominant air sign is being social and cooperative, which Polnareff certainly is. Unlike the more serious Jotaro mentioned above, Polnareff enjoys joking around and bonding with his companions, being especially friendly with the ladies he fancies. Finally, he can also be sensitive at times because he considers himself a connoisseur.
8 Scorpio: Joseph Joestar
Scorpios are often passionate and brave, easily attracting people. This description fits Joseph quite well, as he loves being the center of attention, flirting, and making new friends, even in unexpected situations – such as making friends and standing up for Smokey Brown even after this person stole his wallet. Scorpios are also quite cunning, dangerous and aggressive, which Joseph is also, often responding to provocations violently, disrespecting authority and taunting his enemies by using aggressive tactics. The art seems silly. Finally, like the fixed water sign, he also values strong relationships, showing clear devotion to his family, friends and love.
9 Sagittarius: Jonathan Joestar
As the series’ first main character, Jonathan is the perfect representation of the Archer’s ideal sign. His main identifying characteristic is that he strives to be a “true gentleman” who both respects everyone (who deserves it) and commands respect through his actions. Sagittarius is also known to be hopelessly optimistic, as is Jonathan. Always kind and positive, he feels empathy even for his enemies, seeking never to cause unnecessary harm to anyone. Finally, like the mutable fire sign, he is also inclined towards purposeful adventures, not hesitating to embark on a dangerous journey to save his father.
10 Capricorn: Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Ambitious and hard-working by nature, Capricorn desires to achieve success through constant efforts. Zeppeli is no different, he trained himself and gained courage to master Ripple and fight evil vampires and zombies. Capricorn’s characteristic determination and discipline also reflect in the way he interacts with Jonathan, with whom he shares his knowledge of Ripple, teaching him to pay attention to his surroundings and predict his actions. enemy movements. Despite his sense of responsibility, Zeppeli also possesses a quirky sense of humor typical of the earth sign, sometimes acting quite eccentric.
11 Aquarius: Joan Day
Compassionate in nature, Aquarius tends to focus on achieving progressive goals and changing the world according to their beliefs. Giorno also works with a purpose, his actions motivated by a desire to end the drug trade that is affecting countless innocent people in Italy. As a symbol of the Water Bearer sign, Giorno is also relatively introverted, not particularly eager to express himself unless necessary – although he also knows how to act confidently and earn the respect of his colleagues. Finally, like the fixed air sign himself, he also tends to be quite eccentric, both in his style and sometimes his actions.
12 Pisces: Koichi Hirose
Above all, gentle and compassionate, Pisces is often empathetic, putting the needs of others above their own. This perfectly describes Koichi, whose friendly nature allows him to get close to most of his peers, even going so far as to save Yukako, who had previously intended to kill him. Another Pisces connection is the tendency to be imaginative and sensitive, which Koichi clearly is, finding joy even in things that others consider unimportant, such as a new bike. Last but not least, similar to the mutable water sign, he can also be quite nervous and fearful at times, although he doesn’t lack courage either.
With each installment of the JoJo series taking place in a different time and place, the characters are equally diverse, from Egyptian fortune tellers, to Italian mafia members and even Japanese students Normal. Some are dedicated forces for good, while others are downright evil and brutal, and some are more nuanced, following their own moral beliefs. Anyway, most of the characters of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure can be associated with one of the zodiac signs, thus allowing fans to find themselves in their favorites.