The series from the creator of Rent-a-Girlfriend will premiere in April – Anime adaptation The Shiunji Family Childrenscheduled for release in April 2025, has just kicked off a series of character introductions, starting with the eldest sister Banri Shiunji. This is a promising first step for an emotional and dramatic work from the studio Doga Kobo.
Director Ryoki Kamitsubo (who worked with Hidamari Sketch) and a talented production team including Noboru Kimura (plot compilation, famous for Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture) and Miki Muto (character designer, contributed to Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie), bringing high expectations to the audience.
About the original series:
The Shiunji Family Children is composed by Reiji Miyajimawith illustrated support from Reiji Yukinowas published in the magazine Young Animal from February 25, 2022. The series quickly attracted readers thanks to its twisted family story, forbidden love, and complicated relationships between Shiunji family members.
The story revolves around the Shiunji family, where two sons and five daughters stand out in both appearance and intelligence, becoming the center of attention in town. The main character, Arata Shiunji, is the eldest son, who has spent his entire life in the loving and teasing arms of his sisters. Even though he is often joked about, he still values family above everything. However, when the youngest sister turns 15, a shocking family secret is revealed by her wealthy father, completely changing the world of Arata and the other siblings.