The manga adaptation of the anime series ‘2020 premieres October 2021 – Shueisha’s Shonen Jump + website publishes the manga’s 10th and final chapter Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector by Saru Hoshino on Saturday. The manga’s first volume will ship on October 4. The manga will have two volumes.
In addition, the final chapter also revealed that the main Psycho-Pass 3 anime will get an adaptation of the novel, which will release on November 20.
Hoshino launched the manga adaptation in October 2021. The film ends the story of season 3 about the case of “Foxes” being chased by Unit 1, the mystery of Bifrost, and the battle of Arata and Kei.
The anime film opens in Japan in March 2020, and also premieres exclusively on Amazon Prime Video outside of Japan later that month. Ren Kanan also wrote the novel for the film to be released in September 2021.
The Psycho-Pass 3 anime premiered in October 2019, with each of the eight episodes of the anime having an hour-long run. The anime is only broadcast in and out of Japan on Amazon Prime Video. Saru Hoshino also drew a manga adaptation of the main anime series, which launched in Shonen Jump+ in October 2019 and ended in August 2021. Shueisha published the fourth and final volume of the series in October 2021.