Romantic police comedy series focusing on a cute demon – According to the latest information from the eighth issue of Kodansha's Weekly Young Magazine, Masahiro Anbe will launch a new manga series titled Akuma de Fukei! (Demon Policewoman) in the 10th issue of the magazine, released on February 3. This will be Anbe's first work published in this magazine.
Rakuten previously listed information about the series, with the first volume scheduled to release on June 6. According to the description from Rakuten, Akuma de Fukei! is a romantic comedy revolving around the life of female demon police officer Eclair. Eclair, a demon from hell, is voluntarily stationed at a small police station in the countryside with the goal of finding an evil human to become his servant. However, she quickly encounters Daichi Kuwahara, a police officer with a scary face but kind heart, who is determined to return her to the demon world. The confrontation between them promises many funny and sad situations.
Masahiro Anbe previously announced on the X platform (formerly Twitter) on December 6 that he is preparing to launch a new series.
Anbe is the author of many famous manga series, including Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyū-bu (Assemble! Mystery Research Club), debuted in September 2016 in Weekly Shōnen Champion and ended on July 18, 2023. The series spanned 20 volumes, with the final volume published on October 8 last year.
In addition, Anbe is also known for the popular manga Shinryaku! Ika Musume (Squid Girl), which began in 2007 and ended in February 2016. The series was adapted into two 12-episode anime seasons, broadcast in 2010 and 2011. The anime is streamed by Crunchyroll line and Media Blasters released it on home video, then Sentai Filmworks re-released it on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in 2017. The series is also currently available on HIDIVE.
Akuma de Fukei! promises to bring Anbe's unique humorous style, attract old fans and expand new readers.