The series debuted in August 2019, adapted to anime last year with a second season coming in 2026 – Manga series Mission: Yozakura Family (Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen) by Hitsuji Gondaira has officially ended its more than 5-year journey in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The final chapter was published on Monday, marking the end of one of the defining series of this generation. Previously, on January 4, the magazine announced that the story will reach its climax in the next chapter.
The series first debuted in August 2019 and quickly attracted attention thanks to its creative plot and unique combination of family elements, humor and sensational action. Volume 28 of the series will be released on February 4, while volume 29 – also the final volume – is scheduled to release on March 4, 2025.
The content revolves around Taiyo Asano, a shy high school student, and his childhood friend Mutsumi Yozakura, a member of a family of super spies. When caught up in dangerous plots and faced with Kyoichiro, Mutsumi's overprotective older brother, Taiyo is forced to become part of this special family to protect Mutsumi. Humorous situations mixed with intense battles have created a unique appeal for the manga.
The success of Mission: Yozakura Family does not stop at the manga. The series has been adapted into a television anime, with the first season premiering in April 2024. Disney streamed the anime via Hulu in the US, while audiences in Japan can watch it on Prime Video and Netflix . The second part is being prepared and is expected to be released in 2026, promising to continue developing the story.
Additionally, the manga series also expands with two spin-off novels, releasing in July 2023 and April 2024 respectively, providing exciting additional stories for fans.
Author Hitsuji Gondaira, who previously won Weekly Shonen Jump's 10th “Gold Future Cup” competition in 2015 with the one-shot series Genjūi Toteku, has once again proven his talent through Mission: Yozakura Family. With this emotional journey, Gondaira leaves a memorable legacy in the hearts of fans and promises exciting projects in the future.