The manga debuted in January 2020 and was adapted into an anime in 2023 with an upcoming 1-hour special – Manga Undead Unluck by Yoshifumi Tozuka is approaching its “climax,” as reported in this year's eighth issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The manga's next chapter, scheduled to premiere on January 27 in its ninth issue, will feature color pages and be 26 pages long. Although the phrase “climax” sometimes refers to the final chapter, it is unclear whether the manga will end with this chapter or continue for a while longer.
Starting its journey from a one-shot published in Weekly Shonen Jump in January 2019, Undead Unluck was quickly developed into a long-running series launched in January 2020. The series quickly attracted attention. with a unique plot and engaging characters. Viz Media simultaneously released the manga digitally and began publishing it in print in May 2021. Shueisha's MANGA Plus service also released a digital version, expanding the work's reach to international audience.
The content of Undead Unluck revolves around Fuuko Izumo, a girl with the ability “Unluck”, causing those who touch her to have accidents. When Fuuko meets Andy, an immortal desperate to find a way to end her life, the reluctant pair team up to harness Fuuko's powers and face mysterious forces hunting them both.
The manga has received widespread recognition, ranking 14th on the Kono Manga ga Sugoi! for male readers in 2021 and won the sixth “Tsugi ni Kuru Manga Taishō” (emerging manga award) in 2020.
The anime adaptation of the manga premieres in October 2023, with episodes streaming on Hulu. The anime concludes with its 24th episode in March 2024. However, fans still have much to look forward to, including an hour-long anime special scheduled to premiere in winter 2025. In particular, This film will have a completely new plot written by author Tozuka himself, along with the appearance of a new UMA creature designed by him.
While the main story may be coming to an end, these creative additions ensure that Undead Unluck will continue to make its mark on fans.