The fantasy comedy series Ō ga Neko ni Natta will premiere on February 21 – Takuma Morishige, the author famous for the humorous manga “My Neighbor Seki”, will return with a new work titled “Ō ga Neko ni Natta” (The king turns into a cat)scheduled to launch on Gentosha's Comic Boost website on February 21, 2025.
This promising story revolves around a king who suddenly transforms into a cat and begins his journey of commanding his courtiers with strange but no less humorous orders.
Morishige's return certainly brings with him the witty and creative style that made his previous works successful. From “My Neighbor Seki” with the adorable antics of boy Seki alongside his defeated classmate, to “My Neighbor Seki Junior” with its subtle continuity, Morishige always brings stories full of comedy. humorous and everyday but touches the deep emotions of readers.
Now, with “Ō ga Neko ni Natta“, Morishige takes us into a gentle fantasy world, where the ultimate power lies in the hands of… a cat. With his storytelling talent, he promises to bring moments of relaxation and warmth. pressure, while skillfully satirizing the interesting aspects of life. With this new beginning, readers can fully expect a memorable journey, full of emotions and laughter.