Manga “One-way romantic comedy” is serialized in Comic Ruelle magazine – According to the author's official post Chikyu no Osakana Ponchan on social media, manga josei Kirio Fanclub will be converted into anime and live action. Aside from the announcement image (below), there are currently no further details on the production team, cast, or release date for either production.
Illustration from the author himself Chikyu no Osakana Ponchan shared to celebrate the announcement. In the image, the characters Amy and Nami is depicted posing playfully for the camera, making a mock viewfinder gesture with his thumb and index finger.
Kirio Fanclub serialized in a magazine Comic Alley belong to Japanese and has so far published five volumes in Japan. The sixth volume is scheduled to be released on September 19, 2024The manga's plot revolves around two high school girls, Aimi Miyoshi and Nami Sometaniare friends, classmates and also rivals in the competition for the heart of Kirioa male student in the class is unaware of their feelings.