A sequel to Motomi's previous manga series QQ Sweeper launched in July 2015.
Kodoani.com – Manga Queen’s Quality belong to Kyousuke Motomi will end in five more chapters, with chapter 103 in the October issue of the magazine. Betsucomi marks the move towards the end. This means that the story will officially end after chapter 108.
This manga is a sequel to QQ Sweeperbut can be read independently.
The story revolves around a girl whose secret is sealed, and when that secret is revealed, her ordinary life becomes more vibrant and complicated. In this new battle, the two main characters in QQ Sweeper continue to develop love and face new challenges.
Viz Media is publishing the manga in English and will release the 20th volume on November 5, 2024. Queen’s Quality has sold over 3.3 million copies, cementing Kyousuke Motomi's position as one of the most prominent manga authors.